How Can you Help?


We believe that prayer should be our first priority, not out last resort. Things you can pray about; the lost in your community (the unchurched/over churched), the next generation of leaders, the churches in your community, our ability to steward the vision and responsibility God has given us, the we stay Kingdom minded, that God would bring us the right people to journey with us in our ministry.


We believe that serving is essential. Truly serving is when you serve and expect nothing in return. We have various ways you can volunteer.

  1. Prayer Team - Yes! We get to strategically pray for our team (yourself included), how we are developing as a team, for our reach, for innovative ways to share the Gospel in our communities and beyond. This should first be in your personal time and can also be on the ground during events and places we as a team are present.

  2. Worship Team - Yes! We get to usher in the presence of God where we are called to do so. As we grow, we will have more opportunities to share the Gospel through prayer and song as God sees fit. This should first be in your personal time (that secret place) and a current practice in your life. This includes; singers, musicians, song writers, sound & tech.

  3. Clean Up Team - Yes! We get to be light in dark places. While serving at events, we want to make sure we create and maintain a level of excellence. Why? Because we want people to experience the presence of God and limit other distractions.

  4. Planning Team - Yes! We get to use our brains and think outside the box. As mentioned, we want to be strategic and innovative in the way we share the Gospel. This should be something you are passionate about. This includes; event planning for outreach, identifying community partners, identifying existing events for us to be present at, team building events and fundraising.


We believe that through prayer, worship, outreach and service, we will help people discover their true identity in Christ. We are a team of volunteers. Simply the vessels God chose to use at this time in this way, to advance the Kingdom. We have seen the impact of what God is doing. We have more opportunities and a great responsibility in continuing the work God set out for us to do.

Your financial contribution goes directly into the ministry. How? We’re glad you asked:

  • Venue Rental

  • Food/Item Giveaway

  • Kid/Family activities for Events

  • Supplies & Equipment

  • Marketing